Avijit Healthcare Private Limited

Avijit Healthcare Avijit Healthcare Private Limited

The leading mining and construction company in India.

Manufacturing & marketing of Medical Products

Polly Processing of all dairy products

Trading Providing & Processing of Medicine

Our aim is to bring out solid construction that leads to infrastructural development in India.

Medical Equipment

We believe quality treatment can save a life. This is why we make precision medical equipment.

Surgical Items

Avijit Healthcare Limited can bring for you the best surgical items to improve your facility.

Water Dispenser and R.O

Your health is our priority. We can serve you with a water dispenser and RO at best price.

Polly Processing of all dairy products

We provide dairy products to the end users in the best shape and quality conforming to standards.

About Avijit Healthcare Avijit Healthcare

Through its high-quality medications, Avijit Healthcare is driven by a strong desire to help humanity. The business uses cutting-edge manufacturing methods in India along with cutting-edge technology for production, quality assurance, and packaging. We are now pacing up to become the fastest-growing healthcare organisations in the world thanks to all of this, which is solidly supported by a powerful distribution network.

Finding and developing a distinctive therapeutic spectrum of lifestyle-modifying products is our main competency.

Our Vision Vision

Become the most dependable partner in healthcare that delivers services for a superior experience in healthcare.

Our Mission Mission

Ensure our healthcare services are extremely effective in enhancing the health and wellbeing of the individuals.

Director’s message Director’s message We welcome you to Avijit Group !

We are dedicated to contributing to build a better country for the generations to come and a developing economy that ranks in the world.

Sanjiv Bansal


I firmly think that “you have to do what you have never done before to be where you have never been before.” Every task must begin with a single step, and the way forward is determined by your vision and the efforts of your team. A single person will never be able to accomplish what a team can.

The Indian economy’s main driver is the infrastructure industry. The industry plays a significant role in accelerating India’s overall growth and anticipates the government’s concentrated attention on enacting laws that will guarantee the nation has world-class infrastructure. Roads, mines, electricity, bridges, dams, and urban infrastructure development are all part of the infrastructure industry.

Meet Our Team Our Team

The best of the best is here

John Franklin


John Franklin


John Franklin


John Franklin


Words from our Clients from our Clients

The best of the best is here!