Spybot Security Services Private Limited

Spybot Security Services Spybot Security Services Private Limited

Aiming to protect your home and businesses from threats.

Armed Security Guards

We provide completely trained armed security guards. Your safety is our priority.

Industrials Security Guards

Spybot Security Services offer industrial security guards that watch your premises with an eagle eye.

Residential Security Guards

Keep your family and loved one’s protected with our residential security guards. Trained professionals who understand their duty better.

Commercial Security Guards

We cater to your needs for a commercial security guard to protect your commercial premises.

Corporate Security Guards

Get your corporate offices secured with our corporate security guards.

Personal Security Guards

Our personal security guard can protect you from probable threats and risks.

Bouncers Services

Run your business hassle-free with our trained, strong, sturdy and professional bouncers.

Property Protection Services

Get property protection services from us to keep your property guarded even when you are not there.

House Keeping

We provide housekeeping services to offer you comfort and relaxation.

Providing all type of Men Power

We can provide all types of men power and bring convenience in your business.

About Spybot Security Services Spybot Security Services

We are pleased to introduce “Spybot Security Services Pvt Limited,” which has been authorised by the Private Security Agency (Regulation) Act 2005. We provide specialised services for uniformed security guards, outsourcing, and training facilities, all of which are staffed by knowledgeable, professional, and experienced personnel.

Our security service company was established as a private limited company under the 1956 Registration of Companies Act.

We aim to protect factories, mills, offices, godowns, residential buildings, and other establishments, we offer skilled and experienced employees. We also supply all kinds of manpower, gunmen, or armed security.

Our Vision Vision

Enhancing the security services we offer to our customers each day to make society a better place to live.

Our Mission Mission

Establish our security system on principles of ethics, outstanding customer service, and professionalism, which continue to be our guiding principles.

Director’s message Director’s message We welcome you to Avijit Group !

We are dedicated to contributing to build a better country for the generations to come and a developing economy that ranks in the world.

Sanjiv Bansal


I firmly think that “you have to do what you have never done before to be where you have never been before.” Every task must begin with a single step, and the way forward is determined by your vision and the efforts of your team. A single person will never be able to accomplish what a team can.

The Indian economy’s main driver is the infrastructure industry. The industry plays a significant role in accelerating India’s overall growth and anticipates the government’s concentrated attention on enacting laws that will guarantee the nation has world-class infrastructure. Roads, mines, electricity, bridges, dams, and urban infrastructure development are all part of the infrastructure industry.

Meet Our Team Our Team

The best of the best is here

John Franklin


John Franklin


John Franklin


John Franklin


Words from our Clients from our Clients

The best of the best is here!